
Donald Joseph Qualls better known by his DJ Qualls stage DJ Qualls, better known by his stage DJ Qualls was born in the United States. He is an actor, producer and model. After gaining fame through his work on Road Trip he has since played in more than 20 feature films, including The New Guy Hustle & Flow and The Core. Also, he's appeared on 22 television shows, including Breaking Bad Supernatural scrubs lost Law & Order as well as Law & Order. Qualls has survived Hodgkin's lymphoma. He was first diagnosed when he turned 14 years of age. After two years of treatment the cancer is now into Remission. But, early treatment had severe effects on his health and stunted growth. As he began to take action, financial stability was the ultimate ambition. The man had experienced hardship in his youth. I've lived such a low-cost lifestyle over the years that I need to have that financial security or my life feels out of control for me he said in an interview. The man also recalls his childhood to motivate him. The cruelty inflicted on him breaks his heart. DJ's ideal job is be a father in reel and in actual life. Yet he confesses "Directors aren't casting me for these roles." It would be wonderful to be one day an adult, and the time comes when he can devote less time on career and dedicate it to his child.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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